Low House 2 Trip Report

The weekend began with an efficient departure from North gate. The stoats arrived at Low House with a couple of hours to sit around the fire before getting an early night to rest before a big day of climbing on Saturday. However, not everyone got good nights rest, with stories in the morning of snoring and some strange sleep talking!

We set off promptly on Saturday morning to Long Scar as the sun was shining. One driver got lost but luckily, he still managed to find the way even though his satnav stopped working. Once trekking up the hill to the crag, one of the stoats had a hot chocolate disaster, with a flask exploding in her bag. We had a beautiful day of trad climbing with the sun shining all day! Eventually we meandered back to the hut as the sun was setting and it was starting to get cold.

The stoats enjoyed some tasty fish and chips before we ventured out to visit the pubs of Coniston. We were joined by some of the MAM, and everyone told their stories from the day of superb climbing. Some tipsy members attempted to complete the pub crawl however sadly the pub had already closed.

Early on Sunday morning some keen stoats emerged from their warm bunks to venture down to shores of Coniston water for a chilly dip. The picturesque mirror like surface of the water was soon disturbed as the brave Stoats and MAM members alike waded into the cold water. Some were very tentative, whilst others charged into the water with no time to put an swimming trunks on.

After the swimmers returned to the hut people tucked into their breakfasts although some were slightly unusual (porridge with an egg?). The hut was tidied quickly and efficiently and the stoats ventured to Langdale to various crags to climb in even more sunshine. The stoats climbed until 3pm so we could start the long drive home.

We had an amazing weekend with most saying it was the best weather they’d ever seen in the Lake District!