Summer Trip - Cornwall 2019!!!

As exams draw near, you needn't fear, as summer trip, is nearly here...!!

That's right, UBMC's summer trip is just around the corner! This year we will be camping in Cornwall, and the trip will be running from the 8th - 15th of June!!

This wonderful week of climbing will give you the chance to experience some of the best sea cliff climbing in the UK, whatever your ability may be! Everyone is welcome, as long as you are a member of the club! There are also rumours about an 80's themed climbing day (and potential night out), so get those bright n tight outfits ready for the crag!

*** Sign ups will be on Monday 29th April, at 6pm ***

The base cost of the trip will be £50 (£30 for drivers), plus £5.50 per night you stay. Additionally, summer trip t-shirts/beaters will be available for a mere £8, with the design that was chosen at AGM!

For all you oldies out there, there will be the option to return for gradball, so don't worry about missing that!! You can still come for the first part of the week!

So to clarify, if you stay the whole week the total cost of the trip would be: £50 + (£5.50 x 7), equaling a total of £88.50. (plus £8 if you want a t-shirt)!

What will you need for the trip you ask?

The Initial Kit List:

  • Tent (don't worry if you don't have your own!! Other members will have spaces to share!)
  • Sleeping Bag & Roll Matt
  • Cooking Stove & Equipment (again, you'll be able to borrow/share if you don't have your own!)
  • Any Climbing Gear you own.
  • Suitable Clothes
  • Waterproofs (we know what happened last Cornwall...)
  • Swim Stuff
  • Toiletries
  • A present for me
  • Beer??? ;)

If you have any questions, feel free to drop me a message! (Dan)